Friday, 19 October 2007

As you can see I have stated to play around with moving the face to make expressions. I did this using soft selection


Jo Bowman said...

I think you look evil in your avi! Did you animate it using morphing?

Anonymous said...

Good idea, however you do look quite scary! It moves really well though!!

wedgie said...

This is going to haunt my dreams for weeks. Nice work though. ^_^

ali said...

Good stuff the face looks very freaky.

However, though you were just playing around, using soft selection is the wrong way to do animations.

The facial animation process requires you to create many different phonemes expressing the different sounds including the I's and Ooh's. After making these different phonemes and expression it is a simple case of just using sliders to create positive or negative expressions and facial movements.

Look for my future Blog posts as I will show examples of this practice.